We have launched the book The Message of the River!

06/08/2013 00:00

A mystical story of Alana Dev Priya titled THE MESSAGE OF RIVER was launched yesterday in Bratislava bookstore Panta Rhei by the Indian yoga and meditation teacher Sanjiv Kashyap and the speaker Dado Nagy.

The book has been "baptized" by Master Sanjiv by singing mantra in sanskrit and then together with the author and the speaker with an ayurvedic healing tea from Tulsi, the holy basil. This herb has extraordinary effects on the body and soul. It contains antioxidants, encourages body and metabolism of fats and can induce physical well-being.

And the feeling of well-being certainly did not lack at the end of this event, because Master ended it with a laughter meditation. Dozens of present people were called to laugh for a minute, thus they would release the accumulated stress and the body would get rid of tension. Some of the people felt like crazy, just laugh for no reason, but gradually they found that they feel good, rested and relaxed.
"I've never laughed like that during such occasion," said the speaker Dado Nagy with a smile.